608 S. Old Middletown Road
Middletown Twp.
Media, PA 19063
Ph: (610) 876-4213
Fx: (610)-874-6876
Funeral Service
Joel, Linda and Bobby, we are so, so sorry for your tremendous loss. There are no words. Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers and have been every day since we heard this tragic news. May you find comfort in the memories of Danny’s life. The video is very moving and very beautiful. Love and peace, Julie and Jeff Glawatz
Dear Linda, Joel & Bob,
Pam and I are at a loss for words about the loss of Danny. Although we were blessed to have only met him over one weekend, his charm, witt, enthusiasm, sincerity and ability to eat bacon will always endure with us. Very few people can make such a good impression after one visit like Danny could. He has been in our prayers for a while and all of you are now. Although we can’t make in person to be there with you, please understand that we are grieving with you.
In addition to us, your friends at Fund Services, Donna, Cheryl, Aaron, Jeff, Jeannie are praying for you and you family as well.
If we can do anything to help, pleas let jus know.
With our deepest sympathies,
Mike & Pam Ceccato
Dear Linda,
I am truly saddened to hear about the loss of your dear young son. I can't begin to imagine the grief you and your family are going through now and for a long time to come. What I have to believe is that you all were blessed to be able to have Danny in your lives, to enjoy his smiles, his laughter and even his different moods for his short time on earth. My heart goes out to you all.
With my deepest sympathies,