608 S. Old Middletown Road
Middletown Twp.
Media, PA 19063
Ph: (610) 876-4213
Fx: (610)-874-6876

I have known Steve for 34 years. I started my first job as an Electronics technician at Columbia Research Labs in 1988 at 20 years old. I had the pleasure to watch Steve calibrate, test, and troubleshoot a variety of accelerometers over the years. His knowledge and expertise amazed me as he made calibrating complicated units look effortless. I enjoyed talking to Steve about various topics such as sports, politics, hunting, etc. Whatever we would talk about, Steve knew a lot about the subject. Steve was an honorable man. He was a dedicated man. Dedicated to his family, dedicated to his job at Columbia Research for over 42 years, and honorable for his service in the United States Navy. It was a pleasure to have known and worked with him.
Steve will definitely be missed by all his friends at Columbia Research!
It has been a pleasure to know Steve and work with him.
We will all remember him!
Loretta A Guthan
My Heart is so sorry And Broken for you’re loss. My Sympathy goes out to the whole family. Steve was my Bestest Buddy and am going to leave a big spot in my life. He was so special. I have worked with Steve for 37 years at Columbia Research. My memories of him will never be forgotten. There is a spot for all of those memories. I have learned so much from Steve, we worked in the same department. I was 17 when I met him. We worked, laughed and always joked around. We always got in trouble together(all good!) most of the time it was me causing trouble. Steve always made us laugh. Every department he stopped in during the day made everyone smile, listen and joke about things. It is going to be hard not seeing him. Especially at the picnic table at our breaks. Feeding the birds, eating peanuts and drinking coffee! I would also like to thank him for serving our Country Proudly! I am so honored! Every time we left for the day we would say to each other Miss u More, well now it’s my turn to say , Steve I miss u Mostest! So when I see a Jeep, I know there is an Angel watching over. Once again so heartbroken for you’re loss of an amazing person. Steve’s memory will be in our Hearts at Columbia forever, he touched all of us! Love Marlyn Ann Williams
I had the opportunity and pleasure to know Steve for over 26 years. We first met at Columbia Research Labs, where I was a new Engineer, and he was an experienced Electronic Technician. He introduced me to the calibration and testing of accelerometers. We became friends over the years and socialized with our co-workers at Wilmington Blue Rock baseball games and had many lunches together along with great conversation. He had over 42 years of service at Columbia Research Labs, where he calibrated and tested thousands of sensors with precision accuracy and to the most demanding requirements to our Aerospace, Military, and Industrial customers. I relied on Steve's input for his knowledge and expertise of our sensors. I will remember him for his willingness to share his time and knowledge, his dedication to his work, his friendship with his co-workers, and his enjoyment of driving his Jeep Wrangler.
His passing will not only leave a void in my life, but in the hearts of everyone that knew him. Steve's memory will always remain close to my heart.
My sincere thoughts and prayers to his family.
With deepest and heartfelt sympathy.
Jeff Heller